Angels Landing

The only reason I wanted to visit Zion National Park was for Angels Landing. Being the most popular hike in Zion NP, I had to take on the strenuous hike. Not only did I want to prove to myself that I can do it, but also to see the beautiful and unreal pictures I had been looking at on Pinterest, in person. I just had to!

This beautiful trail is 4.4 miles out and back. The best time of year to go would be February through October. Please avoid this trail if it is stormy or has high winds. There are drop-offs and some very narrow spots. Anchored chains are available along the cliff for the last half mile.

The first two miles is paved and well maintained. This part of the hike contains the Walter’s  Wiggles. This is a set of 21 steep switchbacks named after the parks first superintendent, Walter Ruesch, in 1926. At the top of Walter’s Wiggles is Scout Lookout. You may choose to turn around at this point if you do not wish to take on the last, strenuous and steep half mile.

During the hike, right after Scout Lookout, there is a warning sign that states that there have been six deaths since 2004. So please be careful! It is an amazing and very rewarding hike, but if it doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to turn around and go back when you are ready.

Sadly, doggies are not aloud, but, it is the perfect hike to do alone and prove to yourself that you can conquer anything! And when you reach the top, you will truly feel like the King/Queen of your world.


Gain:1500 Ft.

This sunny, warm, Utah summer day felt like the perfect day to conquer the world! Oh, I mean Angels Landing. I felt better than I had in a while. As I was hiking through the Walter’s Wiggles, I got to a point where I stopped and sat on the ledge and just took it all in. There was a very peaceful breeze flowing through the hills that just set me back for a second. It helped me appreciate what I have. That is my favorite thing about hiking. the high you get from taking in the energy of the universe. It keeps me on my toes and I always want more.

Would I do it again?

Heck yes! Once I got to the top I never wanted to leave. Looking down Zion Canyon was so breath taking, just seeing how beautiful mother nature is. And realizing that I am 1500 Ft. above it was just mind blowing!

Please share your experience at Angels Landing in the comments. Or anywhere in Zion! It is one of my favorite National Parks and I will definitely be going back.


Delicate Arch